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Hong Kong Bridge

The Second Agreement Concerning Amendment to the Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement Agreement on Trade in Services – Broader Choices for Arbitration and Applicable Law

Posted On 4 November 2024

On 9 October 2024, the Ministry of Commerce of the Mainland and the Hong Kong SAR Government signed the Second Agreement Concerning Amendment to the Mainland and Hong Kong Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement (“CEPA”) Agreement on Trade in Services (the “Amendment Agreement II”), which will be implemented on 1 March 2025.  The Amendment Agreement II introduces new liberalisation measures across several service sectors and brings institutional innovation and collaboration enhancement. 

This article discusses one of the new facilitation measures for Hong Kong-invested enterprises which further consolidates Hong Kong’s competitiveness as a centre of international legal and dispute resolution service in the Asia-Pacific region.

Read the full articles in English here and in Simplified Chinese here.