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Surrogacy Laws in Hong Kong - Time for a Change: Jonathan Mok for the Hong Kong Lawyer

发表于 2024年1月10日

Jonathan Mok, Partner in our Private Wealth Team, has written an article for the Hong Kong Lawyer, looking at the recent developments in surrogacy arrangements in Hong Kong.

The article covers three main issues, with a focus on how children born through overseas surrogacy arrangements can settle in Hong Kong and the legal avenue available to intended parents:

  • Legal recognition of parental status available to intended parents who are married couples and for those who are not married to each other.
  • Police investigations into commercial surrogacy arrangements which are illegal, irrespective of whether they are entered into in Hong Kong or overseas.
  • The need for legal reform to enable a smoother process for recognising surrogacy arrangements and to relax prohibition against commercial surrogacy.

Read the full article here.