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Karas So LLP sponsors the India Association's annual Indian Independence Day event

发表于 2023年8月22日

The India Association Hong Kong is committed to promoting and celebrating Indian heritage in Hong Kong and to serving the broader community. On 15 August, India’s Independence Day, the India Association hosted its yearly festive event at the Hong Kong Club to honour and spotlight various individuals’ outstanding contributions to the city.

Karas So LLP in Association with Mishcon de Reya LLP were delighted to sponsor the event alongside philanthropists Mrs Purviz R. Shroff MH and the late Mr. Rusy Shroff BBS MBE, as well as Dr Harry Banga and Mrs Indra Banga. Our Partner Vishal Melwani, President of the India Association, delivered a rousing opening speech which applauded the significant efforts of the Indian community to Hong Kong’s success, in front of over 300 patrons including various VIPs. The keynote speakers were The Honourable John KC Lee, GBM, SBS, PDSM, PMSM, the Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, and Ms. Satwant Khanalia, the Consul General of India to the HKSAR.

The Chief Executive, the Consul General and the sponsors, including Jason Karas, presented Excellence Awards to Mr. Azan Marwah for his distinguished public service, and medical professionals and members of the Fire, Police and Ambulance services who had gone above and beyond the call of duty. Scholarships were also awarded to exceptional students nominated by the Working Family and Student Financial Assistance Agency Integrated Brilliant Education (IBEL) and The Zubin Foundation.