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Karas So LLP participates in 2023 Hong Kong Law Fair

发表于 2023年9月13日

Karas So LLP was delighted to contribute to the 2023 Hong Kong Law Fair at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre on 9 September. After a three-year hiatus due to COVID-19, the event was charged with energy and the HKCEC was teeming with inquisitive students from myriad universities. 

There were insightful exchanges between numerous PCLL and JD students and the delegation from Karas So LLP in association with Mishcon de Reya LLP, including Vishal Melwani, Geoffrey Lai, Jamie Chan, Queenie Fung, Emma Ng, Samantha Peza, Hoi Sang Hysan Woo, Tricia Yu, Jenna Yuen, Dan Amroussi, Anthony Yip and Aparna Bundro.

Karas So LLP offers training contracts to graduates who have demonstrated academic excellence, practical ability and the highest levels of achievement. The firm attracts lawyers who are passionate about the law and a career in dispute resolution. Additionally, Karas So LLP has one of the largest number of solicitors with higher rights of audience before the High Court of Hong Kong. 

We are currently recruiting for 2026 trainee solicitors but are prepared to consider applications from exceptional candidates for positions commencing in September 2024 or September 2025. 

See our latest Recruitment Brochure here