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Jonathan Mok

Family law developments in Hong Kong and Japan: Jonathan Mok for FM Kawaguchi radio

发表于 2023年9月27日

On 27 September 2023, Partner Jonathan Mok participated in an interview on Japanese radio station FM Kawaguchi to talk about the development in family law in Hong Kong and Japan.

The show was hosted by Ms. Makiko Mizuuchi, a Partner at Legal Profession Corporation CastGlobal, who specialises in international family law including divorce, inheritance, and Hague Convention cases.

Both Jonathan and Makiko are Fellows of the International Academy of Family Lawyers (#IAFL), a worldwide association established in 1986, comprising practising lawyers who are recognised by their peers as the most experienced and skilled family law specialists in their respective countries.

The interview provided an opportunity for Jonathan to discuss the legal principles and procedure of family laws in Hong Kong to the Japanese audience. He also heard from Makiko on how custody and visitation operate for divorced parents and their children in Japan.

Watch here