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Karas So LLP hosts IFG Flagship Fraud Conference in Hong Kong

發佈於 2024年5月7日

On 25 April 2024, Mishcon de Reya in association with Karas So LLP hosted the IFG (International Fraud Group)  Flagship Fraud Conference at the Asia Society Hong Kong. This event was particularly significant as it marked the 30th anniversary of IFG.  With 130 delegates from 25 jurisdictions, this international gathering brought together experts in fraud investigation, asset recovery, and insolvency.

The conference featured a diverse range of sessions, including Ken Peng’s keynote address on “Navigating China’s New Economic Paradigm”. Additionally, four insightful panel discussions provided engaging conversations on various topics:

  • Around the World with IFG: Converting International Claims into Cash
  • China and North Asia: Addressing the Real Estate Crisis, Fraud, and Insolvencies
  • India and South Asia: Exploring the Next Great Economic Power
  • At the Frontline: Investigating Fraud in Asia

We extend our gratitude to all participants who contributed to the success of this event.